Brenda Carey Brenda Carey

Meditations for the Highly Sensitive:  How Meditation Optimizes Your Inborn Trait

New research reveals that mindfulness practices like meditation can help highly sensitive individuals optimize the very genes that govern their inborn temperament. By consciously cultivating present-moment focus and calm through meditation, you can strike the ideal balance between the blessings and burdens of your unique neurogenetic inheritance.

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Brenda Carey Brenda Carey

Mindful Resolutions: 3 Steps to Connect to Your Heart’s Desire

At the beginning of the new year or a new season of life, I teach my clients the process of creating a Sankalpa, which loosely translates from Sanskrit as a vow to one’s Highest Wisdom. It connects us to our heart’s deepest desires and can be a profound and soulful journey.

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Brenda Carey Brenda Carey

Why are Women SO Tired? Balancing Your Dosha for Energy

As multi-passionate women, feeling tired or exhausted has become a cultural norm, which is concerning!

But did you know that your unique Energetic Signature or dosha imbalance, based on the 5 Elements of Nature, can influence your energy levels and overall well-being?

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Brenda Carey Brenda Carey

Healing in Nature: Listening to the Wisdom of Fall

By listening to the wisdom of fall, we can cultivate a deeper connection with nature and with ourselves. We can learn to embrace change, release what no longer serves us, and find peace and rest in the midst of life's transitions. 

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